Early 19th century
The early years
There have been several extensions over the years to make the inn/hotel a picturesque centre piece of the old village of West Kirby. The Ring O’ Bells was so named because it was in earshot of the sound of St Bridget’s bells. It was probably frequented by the bell ringers of St Bridget’s church (2019 was the anniversary of three hundred years of four of St Bridget’s eight bells).
In earlier days inns were often dual purpose and used as mortuaries, auction houses and venues for public meetings. They were popular venues for club or work outings.
An interesting fact is that tunnels run underneath the pub and are said to go to the rectory, the church, Abbey manor, and even as far as Middle Eye. It is thought that these tunnels are still there today. There has been many a rumour of ghosts in and around the area of the Ring O’ Bells but we haven’t spotted any mysterious goings on as of yet.
(Image - The early building was quite small and looks like a pair of cottages.)